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What is the process followed in VFS office for applying for Schengen?

If youre asking about the VFS office Mumbai branch at BKC, I think I can share the whole experience with you as I recently applied for France visa 2 days back. So when I entered the office, the first thing that I notice was that they were allowing you to carry your cell phones (kept on silent at all times) and bags only if you are not carrying laptop or some other objects (Pen drive, Hard disk, Power bank or any electronic items other than your mobile) with you. This was little disappointing for me as I followed all the rules that they mentioned in their appointment letter stating that you cant even carry your mobile phone inside and I had to do some arrangements to keep it somewhere and wasted my time and energy(You can also avail their locker service that gives you an option to keep your belongings at nominal costs for a particular duration for e.g., a bag for 2 hours would charge around Rs.200 or so. Also, this may vary according to your belonging and duration). Plus I didnt have any means of contacting anyone. But it was my first time and I couldnt find anything written about this, I found it safe to follow whatever was mentioned in the appointment letter. Next, while entering the place I went through the usual checking procedure. They also asked whether I want a premium service which basically means whether I am willing to spend more money and make this whole experience personalised by getting separate and individual attention from a VFS employee and I didnt opt for it. Then after entering the France Visa office, I got a token which had a number on it and I had to pay attention to the screen for when my number would be flashed opposite one of the counter numbers. The attendee was nice and went through the documents asking basic questions about why I wanna travel to France and how am I managing my finance. My passport size photo was a little flashy so she suggested that this wont work and I have to get a new photo clicked. I was a bit scared that I have to leave the premise and go out searching for a photo-booth or something but thankfully, they have all the facilities from getting a photocopy, print out and even clicking a passport size photo there itself which made it really quick and easy to do that. I got 6 passport size photos for INR 150. Also, the bank statements given to me from the bank were those long sheets of paper which after folding twice became the size of A4 and those werent acceptable too. So I rushed to the printing booth, and they gave it to me in the A4 size with a minimal charge if Rs 2 per page. This sorted a lot of problems. But I also got to know that the print of the online statements from the bank website also work (without getting bank attestation). If I would have known that earlier, I wouldve been saved from running on 11th hour for getting the prints as well as it would have been cheaper as I had to pay Rs. 150 to the bank for getting those statements. After this was done, I was asked to make the payment either by cash or card (yes, both the options are available) and I paid in cash (It was around 6.5k including all the charges, but do not think this is ultimate as it can vary for place to place). Always take more money with you than mentioned (incase, youre not paying with card) for getting the schengen visa as VFS also charges for their service and other things. After this was done, I was given a bill kinda slip and asked to wait for my turn to get my biometric registered since it was my very first time to apply for a schengen visa. Note that if youve applied for Schengen visa earlier and they already have your fingerprints then you dont need to do that again. They may ask you to update your fingerprints but it is fairly optional and they will charge you for it, so do it only if you feel so, not coz theyre asking you to (Note that this was applicable only in the case that your visa was accepted earlier. If rejected and you are applying again, you have to again go through with the biometric process) The guy at the biometric booth was really nice and asked a few things but in a friendly way. There was no interview taken other than this since Im just traveling for a short stay of 15 days in the schengen area for attending an international conference and not as a tourist. He gave me a slip and asked me to carry it with me when I come back to collect my passport (yes, they keep your passport with them but return it in a day or two after the procedure is done). That was the last step I had to do at the office. After that Ive been getting all the updates from the VFS office of the status of my application via mail and SMS from time to time and its really helpful. In all, their service is really nice and hassle-free. The staff was cordial and helpful at all times. Just keep all your documents in check and arrange them accordingly. Also, be ready to answer any questions and dont be nervous. There will be genuine questions that are needed to be clarified and you dont have to worry about anything if you have everything in order. The whole procedure took around 1 - 1.5 hours as it wasnt too crowded. On days when it is really crowded, you can expect to spend a little more than 2 hours for all the procedure to happen which can also exceed depending upon your area and facilities. Id recommend writing a cover letter for your application too which contains information about you, the reason why youre travelling, your travel itinerary and also things youd like the immigration officer at the consulate/embassy to know before he takes a decision of whether to grant you the visa or no. It makes really easy for them to judge your application and take a decision as VFS is just a service provider or mediator between you and the embassy and can only help you in submitting your documents properly. So you need to help your own application! Also, this is only about my experience at the BKC branch in Mumbai and that too for France Visa application. So do not consider this as the ultimate answer but you can expect things on the same lines if youre applying for the very first time for a schengen visa. Hope this helps! ;)

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